The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams

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Criminal Defense

Implied Consent In Oklahoma

An individual charged with DUI in Oklahoma will also be facing a parallel DPS(Oklahoma Department of Public Safety) administrative hearing. These hearings, which must be requested within 15 days of arrest, are held for the purpose of deciding whether to uphold a suspension of the defendant’s driver’s license. DPS suspensions are authorized by Oklahoma implied consent law. The Oklahoma implied…Read More

Abogado De Dui En Tulsa

Conducir bajo la influencia (DUI) La combinación de beber alcohol o usar drogas y luego conducir en Oklahoma se conoce como conducir bajo la influencia (DUI). Las condenas por DUI pueden ir desde la suspensión de licencia a la cárcel o prisión, dependiendo de los factores, la historia de los acusados, y otras circunstancias. Si usted o un ser querido…Read More

Expunge Your Criminal Record In Oklahoma

Expunge, or Expungement, is the term used when a person seals or clears their criminal arrest record. The difference between seal and expunge depends on whether the charges were dismissed or deferred. Our firm will handle filing the petition in the district where the arrest was made, serving the appropriate parties, and will help protect your future. It is important to note…Read More

Abogado De Defensa Criminal En Tulsa

Tulsa Defensa Penal El bufete de abogados de Carlos L. Williams & Associados, PLLC tiene experiencia defendiendo a personas acusadas de delitos penales en Oklahoma en Municipal, Juvenil, tribunales estatales y federales. Desde el manejo de casos de delitos violentos, como la violencia doméstica, a la manipulación de los delitos de drogas, puede confiar en nosotros para ayudar a asegurar…Read More

Traffic ticket fines vary throughout Oklahoma, differing by court, county and municipality. Most of the time, the ticket fine will be noted on the citation. However, if you do not see a fine, a court appearance will likely be required. When a person has been issued a traffic ticket in Tulsa, they have two options: pay the ticket and plead…Read More

DUI; Actual Physical Control In Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, you don’t necessarily have to be “driving” a car to be arrested for driving under the influence. The term “actual physical control” is taken from the Oklahoma DUI statute, which makes it a crime for a person to be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol (>.08 BAC) or drugs. The courts reason…Read More

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