The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams

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(918) 216-9644

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Tulsa Criminal Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, there is no time to delay. Your freedom and future are on the line. From the first moment you reach out to us for help, you are treated with respect. Because we believe that everyone deserves equal access to qualified legal counsel, we offer consultations and have payment plans available. We will provide an honest and straightforward analysis of your case.

Benefits Of Expungement In Oklahoma – Clear Your Record With Carlos Williams

Expunging a criminal record can open doors that may otherwise remain closed. It seals your record from public view, allowing you to pursue opportunities without the shadow of past mistakes.

Denied Expungement In Oklahoma? Here’s What To Do Next – Carlos Williams Explains

If your expungement request is denied, don’t panic. This is often just a bump in the road, not the end of the process.

How Expungement Can Change Your Life – Oklahoma Attorney Carlos Williams Explains

Expungement can truly be life-changing, offering second chances and new beginnings.

Still Seeing Charges After Expungement? Oklahoma Attorney Explains Why

In Oklahoma, there are two types of expungements, and many people are unaware of the distinction.

Can You Erase Your Criminal Record In Oklahoma? Expungement Lawyer Explains

Expungement in Oklahoma is a legal process that allows you to clear certain charges or convictions from your criminal record.

Who Qualifies For Expungement In Oklahoma? Expungement Attorney Explains

Eligibility for expungement depends on the type of charge and your criminal history. Misdemeanor charges may be eligible if the case was dismissed, you’ve had no felony convictions, and no pending charges exist.

What Is Expungement? Oklahoma Expungement Attorney Explains

Expungement allows you to clear certain parts of your criminal record from public access.

What Criminal Records Can Be Expunged In Oklahoma? Expungement Lawyer Explains

Many types of records, including most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies, can be expunged under Oklahoma law.

What Will The Court Consider While Deciding Child Custody Issues?

Several things that may be considered while deciding child custody issues have been discussed in this video.

When Is The Presumption Of Paternity Rebutted?

The statute may be rebutted in a paternity action in Oklahoma only if the alleged father meets the legal burden for doing so.

What Is Equitable Distribution?

When a court concludes the process of classifying assets as either “marital” or “non-marital,” the process of dividing the assets in as equitable a manner as possible begins.

Do I Need An Attorney In An Auto Accident Case?

Yes, you should hire counsel to make sure you fight the actual causation of the wreck and because you have some serious injuries and deserve and accurate pain and suffering analysis.

How Is Driving Under The Influence Defined In Oklahoma?

It is unlawful and punishable as provided in this section for any person to drive, operate, or to be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state.

What Factors Might Enhance Or Aggravate A DUI Charge In Oklahoma?

One of the factors, in Oklahoma, that may enhance a DUI charge would be if someone blew over a 0.15. The other one is if someone either injured or killed another individual.

Do You Recommend Pre-Trial Counseling For Your DUI Clients In Oklahoma?

We send our client to do a drug and alcohol assessment by a licensed assessor BEFORE plea.

How Long Should I Expect To Wait For An Answer To My Petition From USCIS?

Some applications that were taking six months last year are now taking up to a year.

What Happens To Someone’s Immigration Case If They Are Already In The Country Illegally?

If someone is here without status, they could be affected be in different ways.

Why Do I Need An Experienced Immigration Attorney To Help With My Case?

It’s important that an experienced immigration attorney be able to give a true analysis of what the whole immigration process will be from beginning to end, what the cost will be, how long it might take, and some of the problems that can occur.

What Steps Do I Need To Take To Go Through The Immigration Process?

One of the first steps in the immigration process is to hire a competent immigration lawyer in the field.

What Sort Of Documentation Will I Receive If I Am Approved?

For a green card, if you’ve been approved, you receive is a notice from USCIS stating that you have been approved for the initial portion of the case.

What Generally Happens Once I Get Out Of Jail?

In a misdemeanor case, you usually get out of jail before your arraignment via bond. In Oklahoma, the very first part of any misdemeanor or felony case is an arraignment.

What Types Of Immigration Cases Does Your Firm Handle In Oklahoma?

We handle a vast array of immigration matters. A lot of our cases deal with family immigration which deals with adjusting or helping family members to get green card status here in the United States.

What Factors Are Considered By USCIS When Granting An Individual Family Immigration Status?

Several factors have been discussed in the video that are considered by USCIS in granting an individual Family Immigration Status.

What Are The Differences Between A Visa, A Green Card And Becoming A US Citizen?

Find out the difference between a Visa, a Green Card and becoming a US citizen.

How Exactly Is A DUI Charge Defined In Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma law a DUI is found in the Statutes under Title 47sec11-902.

What Happens When Someone Is Pulled Over For Suspicion Of DUI In Oklahoma?

Law enforcement begins a field sobriety test such as the pen test, the one-legged test, the walk test, portable breath tests and a variety of other tests. These tests are often videotaped.

What Are The Penalties For A DUI Conviction In Oklahoma?

Any person convicted of a violation of the driving under the influence states for the first time is guilty of a misdemeanor and must participate in an assessment and evaluation for drugs and/or alcohol and follow any and all recommendations.

What Happens If I Refuse A Breath Or A Blood Test In Oklahoma?

Under the constitution, the United States Supreme Court has stated that a driver generally has the right to refuse and revoke consent to his blood test.

Are There Any Alternative Punishments Available For First Time DUI Offenders In Oklahoma?

Throughout Oklahoma, there are various programs for first-time offenders.

How Do People Unintentionally Incriminate Themselves Or Hurt Their Pending Case?

One of the main mistakes people make is volunteering information before they are arrested.

How And When Do Miranda Rights Become Applicable In A Criminal Case?

Miranda is only for when someone is in custody.

How Does A Prior Arrest Or Conviction Impact My Current Criminal Case?

In Oklahoma, prior convictions can definitely affect your case. Prior convictions are used for enhancement purposes.

Are Expunged Criminal Records Destroyed?

In Oklahoma, an Expungement does not mean the records will be destroyed, only sealed from general public view.

What Are CDL Violations In Oklahoma?

A commercial driver’s license (CDL) is a special license issued by the State of Oklahoma that allows an individual to drive commercial vehicles.

What Are The Possible Immigration Consequences Of Criminal Activity?

The impact of criminal activity can often severely affect a person’s immigration status, resulting in inadmissibility to obtain immigration benefits and possibly removal proceedings and actual removal from the United States.

What You Need To Know About CDL Violations In Oklahoma?

Find out what one needs to know about CDL violations in Oklahoma.

Expungements | Oklahoma

An Expungement is a way to clean up one’s record. In this video Attorney Carlos Williams briefly explains how one can do that.

Interview with KJAMZ 105.3 | Carlos Williams | Tulsa Criminal Attorney Oklahoma

Tulsa criminal defense attorney Carlos Williams speaks with Koo Keith of Tulsa’s KJAMZ 105.3.

Carlos Williams | Tulsa Expungement Attorney

Our firm will handle filing the petition in the district where the arrest was made, serving the appropriate parties, and will help protect your future.

Carlos Williams | DUI Lawyer Tulsa Oklahoma

The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams is a full service law firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Attorney Carlos Williams is an experienced Tulsa criminal lawyer, with over a decade of experience in Oklahoma courts. We pride our firm on treating each legal matter as if it were our own. We offer consultations and payment plans suitable for all needs.

Tulsa Personal Injury Attorney

Our firm represents individuals injured as a result of another’s negligence. We also represent family members whose loved ones have died through negligence of third parties (known as wrongful death cases). Our experience allows us to recognize, understand, and address the important legal and emotional issues in these types of cases.

We work aggressively to see that our clients receive all necessary and proper medical care, recover their lost wages, are reimbursed for property damage, and are fully and fairly compensated for pain and suffering damages. Our primary goal is to make our clients whole. Our firm understands this from the outset and relishes the challenge. Nothing gratifies us more than having satisfied clients at the end of tough battles. Our Tulsa personal injury attorneys will fight tirelessly on your behalf, and we don’t receive an attorney’s fee unless we recover on your behalf.

Tulsa DUI Attorney

The combination of drinking alcohol or using drugs and then driving in Oklahoma is known as Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Convictions for DUI can range from license suspension to jail or prison, depending on the factors, history of the accused, and other circumstances. If you or someone you loved one has been charged, it is never too early to seek representation from a qualified Tulsa DUI lawyer.

The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams

Call For A Consultation
(918) 216-9644

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