Tulsa Immigration Attorney
Our firm offers honest and sound analysis of each individual’s situation to help them decide on the best course of action in their immigration case. Our focus is on making the immigration process as painless and straightforward for our clients as possible. We explain the steps of immigrating to the United States and establish lasting relationships with our clients to continually serve their needs. You can feel comfortable coming to our Tulsa immigration attorney with questions about the status of your case or the newest changes to federal immigration laws.
- Separating Fact From Fiction: Debunking Common Myths About Fiancé Visas
- What Is the Affirmative Relief Announcement?
- What Types Of Immigration Cases Does Your Firm Handle In Oklahoma?
- What Steps Do I Need To Take To Go Through The Immigration Process?
- Can Someone Apply For Their Family’s Immigration Status in The US?
At the Law Office of Carlos L. Williams, P.L.L.C., we consult with clients regarding a wide variety of immigration and general litigation issues such as:
The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams, P.L.L.C. es responsable de representar a clientes en una amplia variedad de inmigración y en cuestiones de litigios generales como:
- Family-Based/ Basado en la Familia
- Fiancé Visas (K visa) / Visa de prometidos (K visa)
- Marriage petitions / Petición matrimonial
- Relative petitions / Petición de Familiares
- Adjustment of Status / Ajusté de Estatus para obtener residencia
- Consular Processing / Proceso Consular
- Removal of Conditional Status / Remover el Estatus Condicional
- VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Petitions / Peticiones por maltrato (Acto de Violencia en Contrade las Mujeres)/Violencia Intrafamiliar
- Miscellaneous / MisceláneosNaturalization / Naturalización
- Temporary Protected Status / Estatus de Protección Temporal
- Employment Authorization / Autorización de Trabajo
- “Green Card” Renewal / Renovación de la Tarjeta de Residencia Permanente
- Change / Extension of Nonimmigrant Status/Cambio/ Extensión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de No-Inmigrante
- Waivers/Renuncias Voluntaria

Call For A Consultation
(918) 216-9644