Tulsa Criminal Defense Lawyer
The law firm of Carlos L. Williams & Associates, PLLC has experience defending individuals charged with criminal offenses throughout Oklahoma in Municipal, Juvenile, State and Federal Courts. From handling cases of violent crimes, such as domestic violence, to handling drug crimes, we can be trusted to help ensure that your legal rights are unwaveringly protected. We recognize that following an arrest, you likely have a lot of questions and we are here to help ensure that you receive the supportive guidance throughout the entire criminal process – from the moment of arrest all the way through hearings. If you have not been convicted and are looking to file an Expungement.
Tulsa Criminal Defense Lawyer
Other areas of the law that we are able to help with include white collar crimes, as well as probation violations, sex crimes, theft crimes and juvenile crimes. No matter whether you have been charged with, you can be confident knowing that our firm will step up to fight for you. We know what the stakes are and will aggressively fight to ensure that you are protected against the possibility of conviction. We also specialize in Deportation and Removal Defense in Immigration Court for immigrants who have been accused or convicted of criminal offenses
We know that the Criminal and Immigration processes are stressful and problematic to your life. Our mission is simple: to discreetly provide the smartest, fastest, and most cost effective solution to the problems you’re facing.
Our firm has over 24 years of experience fighting tough criminal cases and defending Oklahomans. Put our experience to work for you. We offer competitive rates, and payment plans in most cases. Protect your and freedoms immediately. Contact our Tulsa Criminal Defense lawyer at (918) 216-9644.
Assault is generally defined as ” any willful and unlawful attempt or offer to do a bodily hurt to another with force or violence”. This means that an assault may be committed without touching or doing bodily harm to another person.
Computer crimes or “internet, web, or cyber crimes” cross state lines, which means that certain types of internet, web or cyber crimes can trigger federal statutes and are covered under Federal Law.
Any drunk driving or drug-related DUI charge is a serious matter, whatever the exact circumstances and wherever the arrest occurred. Please recognize that: a basic first-offense Oklahoma DUI conviction can bring a sentence of up to one year in jail, a $1,000 fine plus hundreds in additional fees, driver’s license suspension and more. Additionally, “aggravating factors” such as a prior DUI conviction or the presence of a person under 18 in the vehicle significantly increase the potential for a lengthy jail sentence and other life-changing penalties.
A drug charge is a serious matter that should be handled by a skilled and knowledgeable attorney. It is important to hire an attorney knowledgeable regarding drug offenses. Our firm understands the issues you are facing, and will do everything possible to protect your rights and help you avoid or mitigate criminal penalties from a drug conviction. Following a drug offense arrest in Okmulgee, it is imperative you act immediately in order to mitigate your criminal exposure to the greatest degree. You should hire an attorney to fight the charges against you immediately. A delay may irreperably damage your case, and your freedom.
Fraud charges can arise out of a vast range of circumstances. They may be misdemeanor or felony counts, and they may be prosecuted in either state or federal court. Perhaps the single most important thing a person accused of fraud — or contacted as part of an investigation — can do is seek knowledgeable legal counsel as quickly as possible.
Since the beginning of time, man has coveted the possessions of his neighbors. As such, society has always felt the need to police the wrongful taking of another’s property. Theft is generally defined as the taking of another’s property without consent WITH the intent to deprive the owner of it.
Theft laws are definitely necessary to give us the sense of security we need to live in a civilization made up of strangers. However, the only thing worse than being the victim of theft is being falsely accused of being a thief. Regardless, as technology develops at an exponential rate, individuals find themselves dealing with complete strangers on a daily basis. The increased use of the internet has resulted in new theft-related issues that our forefathers could never have dreamed of. As such, the Oklahoma Legislature has made a point to develop new theft-related laws with increasingly harsh penalties in hopes of combating the damages to its citizens.

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(918) 216-9644