The Law Office of Carlos L. Williams

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(918) 216-9644

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Trusted Tulsa Deportation Defense Lawyer

If you or a family member are being threatened with deportation, Tulsa immigration and deportation defense lawyer Carlos Williams will fight to help you stay.

Too many families in Tulsa live in dread of a knock on the door by ICE or opening the mail to discover a Notice to Appear. But for every hard-working individual who lives in fear of being deported, there are others who might not even realize they are at risk. Some may only discover that deportation is a possibility when they get charged with a crime or receive that fateful knock on the door.

Fortunately for many families of undocumented immigrants or those whose legal status is unclear or in jeopardy, there are those who are ready to step up and defend their rights and ability to stay in the country.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, one of those ardent defenders is immigration lawyer Carlos L Williams, who has 20 years of experience in Oklahoma, Tribal, and federal immigration courts and proceedings. He has put together this guide to help you reduce your chances of deportation so that you know what to do if you or a loved one are threatened with it.

Who Is At Risk Of Deportation In Tulsa, Oklahoma?

The first step to avoiding deportation is knowing if you are at risk or not. You need to know when and understand how your right to remain in the country can be taken away. Except for the few migrants who knowingly and willfully crossed a border without proper immigration or asylum status, most folks at risk of deportation will have arrived here legally and only become at risk when one of the following occurs:

  • You overstay the duration of your green card or other immigration visa, such as staying for years after completing a degree, which you arrived on a student visa to pursue.
  • You are no longer employed as per the conditions of an employment visa and are unable to find a new valid employment situation within the deadline.
  • You are charged with and convicted of a serious crime, such as some misdemeanors and almost any felony.
  • Failing to leave when you receive a voluntary departure or after your asylum request has been denied and you are ordered to leave.
  • Certain other immigration conditions and violations.

As you can see, it is entirely possible for you to be here legally but still find yourself later at risk of deportation. If someone you know in Tulsa falls into one or more of these categories, send them this article and keep reading. Because you do have some rights when threatened with deportation, and a skilled lawyer like Carlos Williams can help.

What Can A Deportation Defense Lawyer Do To Help You Stay In Tulsa?

Carlos L. Williams | Tulsa, Oklahoma, Deportation Defense Lawyer

It is easy to feel helpless, lost and despair when you or a loved one are being deported. But if you act fast and call a skilled immigration lawyer, there is a lot a skilled immigration lawyer can do to prevent that departure.

The best time to contact a lawyer is usually before you need one, and immigration law is no exception. By working with an experienced attorney ahead of any possible deportation, you may be able to avoid it entirely. This could be done by stabilizing your status, getting you a new and valid Visa, or successfully filing for asylum.

Unfortunately, not every immigrant family in Tulsa will be able to do so or know that they even have to. However, even if the fateful ICE visit or letter has arrived, or you are already at the appeal stage, a deportation defense lawyer like Carlos Williams may be able to help.

Many Lawful Permanent Residents and Non-permanent Residents who have become deportable may be eligible for a non-deportable status. A Cancellation of Removal proceeding stalls the removal while giving you time to adjust your status if you are eligible to do so. They generally require that you have been living in the country for a significant and consecutive period, however.

To find out if you or a deportable loved one are eligible for cancellation of removal, call our office or set up a consultation right away, as every minute counts!

Often, to change your current visa or immigration status, you would have to return to your home country, which is not much better than deportation. This can feel like a catch-22 and is one of the many reasons so many families in Tulsa and throughout the country end up in an irregular or undocumented status.

Fortunately, some visas can be acquired without having to leave the country, such as those for recently married individuals or the victims of trafficking or sexual violence. Ask an attorney if an adjustment of status is possible for you, and it might just save you from deportation.

If you have good reason to fear returning to your country of origin, a lawyer may be able to protect you from deportation. There are many programs and conditions for asylum, including for some specific countries and protected categories.

Building an asylum case can take some time and considerable evidence, so the earlier you call a trusted immigration lawyer to discuss your situation and case, the better.

Worried About Being Forced To Leave The Country? Call Tulsa, Oklahoma, Deportation Defense Lawyer Carlos Williams

Carlos L. Williams | Tulsa, Oklahoma, Deportation Defense Lawyer

The Law Office Of Carlos L Williams | An ardent immigration and deportation defense lawyer based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Living in ignorance of possible deportation is no better than living in fear. The only way to secure your right to stay in Tulsa and the United States is to work with an experienced immigration and deportation defense lawyer.

Whether you are worried for yourself, concerned for a loved one, or are already the target of a deportation measure, you can find an ally in deportation and immigration attorney Carlos L Williams. Call (918) 216-9644 now or reach out online to stop this deportation or ensure you never have to face one.

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